
negative logo ink- image - Danube SKILLS

The website Info Danube is established in relation to the implementation of the project Danube Skills: Increased institutional capacity in Danube navigation by boosting joint transnational competences and skills in education and public development services and participation of Todor Kableshkov University of Transport as a project partner. The main objectives of the project are:

• Make public institutions in charge with nautical training and certification fit to implement common European standards;

• Make public institutions responsible for Danube navigation development fit to provide services to actively trigger raise of modal share of Green Danube transport and to act as 1-stop-shops for Danube logistics;

• Set-up of institutional (= sector-wide) Capacity Building cooperation for improving legal and policy frameworks on nautical qualifications and Danube transport promotion.

The main purpose of Info Danube in Bulgaria is to inform stakeholders about promising markets, fairway conditions, status quo of the ports infrastructure and handling equipment on the Bulgarian section of the Danube and promoting inland waterway transport as environmentally friendly, reliable and energy efficient mode of transport.
