The Bulgarian ports, situated on the river Danube are incorporated into two port complexes - Port Complex Rousse and Port Complex Lom. Of at most significance for the transportation and logistics services via inland waterways are the port of Rousse, port of Vidin, port of Lom, port of Somovit, port of Svishtov, port of Silistra and port of Belene.
Port of Rousse
* Location: situated on the right bank of the Danube River (491 km) and is a multimodal center.
* Total area: 920 000 m2
* Hinterland connections: It is the most important port at the Bulgarian section of the Danube as it is located on the intersection of Rhine-Danube Core Network Corridor, “Silk Route” and TRACEKA corridor. Port of Ruse plays major role in the transportation system of the country as it is directly linked to the Black Sea port of Varna through the national railway network. This connection could provide opportunities for transit cargo flows from Europe to the Near and Middle East.
* Specialization - handling of dry bulk, container, break bulk, Ro-Ro cargo and liquid bulk
- Rousse East
* Total area: 825 533 m2.
* Capacity: total cargo that can be handled along the harbor of Port Rousse East for a year is 1.5 million tones.
* Number of berths: 14
* Hinterland connections - equipped with its own railway track with total length of 4700 m, and the distance to the nearest road is 2 km.
* Handling equipment - Ro-Ro terminal for handling of cars and trucks, universal cranes (17 to 32 tons capacity), forklifts (20 with 3-5 tons capacity), and pneumatic devices with average age between 30 and 40 years.
* Ownership - 100% state ownership.
- Rousse West
* Total area - 117 000 m2
* Number of berths - 11
* Capacity - 500 000 tons per year
* Handling equipment - 11 universal cranes with capacity of 3-5 items.
*Ownership - 100% state ownership
- Rousse Bulmarket
*Total area - 92 000 m2
*Number of berths - 9
*Handling equipment - storage areas (open and covered) with a total area of 67,900 m2, including storage facilities for LPG with capacity of 2,600 m3 and grain silos with capacity of 15,000 m3. The port is equipped with multipurpose terminal, where transshipment facilities operate 24/7 independent of the weather conditions.
*Specialization - designed primarily for handling and storage of dangerous goods (crude oil), general cargoes (glass, bricks, steel and palletized goods) and cereals (wheat, corn, sunflower, rapeseed)
*Ownership - managed entirely by the private company "Bulmarket - DM" Ltd.
Port of Lom
* Location: located approximately 160 km north of the capital Sofia, on the right bank of the Danube River.
* Total area: 299 380 m2
* Hinterland connections: linked with the national rail network by Lom railway station. The connection is set by secondary single electrified track through station Brusartsi to the main railway line Vidin-Montana. Port Lom has also a good connection with the national road network by road 81. It is open for transit traffic from Macedonia and Greece and has a good connection with the port of Thessaloniki, which is the largest transport hub in the Mediterranean.
* Number of berths: 13
* Capacity: total capacity of the port at the existing operational mode is: berth throughput 3 100 t/dwt and storage – 5 860 t/y.
* Specialization - handling and storage of bulk (ores and coal), general cargoes and containers.
* Handling equipment - 22 cranes with capacity of up to 10-20 tones, 6 universal cranes with capacity of 3-5 tones. The predominant age of the transshipment facilities is between 58 and 65 years. The port total open and covered storage area is 121 014 m2 and is equipped with terminal for liquid cargoes with capacity of 188 m3.
* Ownership - “Port Invest” Ltd through public-private partnership. The contract is concluded for a period of 35 years.
Port of Vidin
* Location: situated on 785 km of river Danube
* Total area: 65 000 m2. The port consists of two terminals:
- Port terminal Vidin-South
* Handling equipment - cranes (3 with capacity of 20 units) and forklifts (2 with capacity 3-5 t). The territory of the open storage space is of total area 15 000 m2.
*Specialization - transshipment and storage of bulk (coal) and general cargoes.
*Ownership - “SKM Port Vidin” Jsc. The Concession contract is signed for a period of 35 years.
- Port terminal Vidin – North
* Hinterland connections: The main advantage of the port is its strategic geographical location, which identifies it as a “focal point” of the Orient-East/Med Core Network Corridor on the territory of Bulgariathe and the shortest route to Greece, Macedonia and Serbia, as well. The newly constructed infrastructure links provide direct access to the national rail and highway network.
* Handling equipment - open warehouse with total area of 10 000 m2.
*Specialization - storage and handling of bulk cargoes, scrap, palletized goods, vehicles and wheeled equipment and containers.
* Ownership - Bulgarian River Shipping” Jsc through a concession contract for a period of 30 years.
Port of Svishtov
* Location: located on 554 km from the mouth of the river Danube.
* Total area: 300 000 m2
* Hinterland connections: well linked with the national road and rail network and communicates with important Bulgarian logistics centers as Plovdiv, Khaskovo, Veliko Tarnovo, Sofia and Stara Zagora.
* Number of berths: 19
* Specialization - handling and storage of containers that are transported to and from Asia, The USA, Africa and Australia.
* Handling equipment - 11 cranes with capacity of 20 t and 4 with capacity of 3-5 t.
* Ownership - “Dredging Fleet – East” Jsc through a concession contract for a period of 31 years.
Port of Somovit
* Total area: 30 105 m2
* Number of berths: 3
* Specialization - handling of bulk and general cargoes (metals, grain, pulp and coal)
* Handling equipment - 11 cranes with capacity of 20 tones and forklifts with capacity 3-5 tones.
* Ownership - “Octopus-S” Ltd through a contract for period of 25 years.
Port of Silistra
* Location: located on the 375 km from the mouth of the river Danube. Silistra is one of the Bulgarian inland ports, that allows mooring and servicing of river-sea vessels.
* Total area: 16 320 m2.
* Handling equipment - It is equipped with transshipment facilities with bandwidth of 1800 t/12h in handling of bulk cargoes and 400 t/12h for general cargoes.The terminal has a tri-modal facility for direct loading of vehicles and rail wagons.
* Ownership - “Danube industrial park” Jsc through a concession contract for a period of 35 years
Port of Belene
* Location: located on the 567 km on the Danube River. The wharf terminal allows berthing of river-sea vessels that operates from Black and Azov to the North Sea.
* Total area: 28 800 m2
* Hinterland connections: The absence of motorways and primary roads in the region of Port Belene limits intermodal transport of heavy and oversized cargoes to the hinterland.
* Specialization - handling of general, bulk, heavy and oversized cargoes and containers.
* Handling equipment - 3 gentry cranes with capacity of 480 t, 2 universal cranes with carrying capacity of 20 t and forklifts with capacity 3-5 items. Handling facilities operates five days a week and during weekends at the request of customers, as well. The territory of the port covers warehouses with total area of 21 200 m2.