Promotion on Danube logistics


Manual on Danube Navigation

Since its first publication in 2002, the Manual on Danube Navigation has become one of the major standard works in European inland waterway transport. It captures Danube navigation with all its achievements, developments and services and also identifies the potentials and possibilities of Danube navigation which are waiting to be used and promoted.

The manual is directed to practicians in inland waterway transport and to anyone interested in navigation. As it also serves as a textbook used for professional training in this sector, the Manual on Danube Navigation contributes significantly to disseminating knowledge and inspiring future customers to use the environmentally-friendly mode of waterway transport. (Source:


Modern logistics management requires extensive information exchange between the supply chain partners. The integration of information and communication technologies within the operational processes of the inland waterway sector has not developed to the same level. However as a consequence of the possibilities and opportunities that are connected to ITC – increased efficiency of logistics operations, increased safety, improved environmentally protection – so-called River information services have emerged within Europe. These services have to be seen as a major step forward, turning inland navigation into a transparent, reliable, flexible and easy-to-access transport mode.

RIS means the harmonized information services to support traffic and transport management in inland navigation, including, wherever technical feasible, interfaces with other transport modes .These services accelerate the exchange of information among stakeholder, shippers and port operators through harmonized and standardized information and communication technologies.

RIS are applicable on inland waterways of Class IV and higher, in ports and their superstructure. In general, these services can be classified into two large groups: services related to the traffic management (Fairway information; Traffic Information; Traffic Management and Calamity Abatement) and services that relate to the transport process management (Voyage Planning; ports and terminals management; Cargo and Fleet Management; statistics and water charges and harbor dues.).

BULRIS is the name of the Bulgarian system of river information services. It aims to cover the operation of services on the Danube from Port Rousse, Vidin and Lom.

The establishment of BULRIS is a step toward increasing the safety of navigation and its environmentally friendliness.

The implementation of BULRIS allows real-time tracking and tracing of the location of vessels and continuously update of the information about conditions of navigation on the Bulgarian section of the Danube.

BULRIS implementation allows Bulgaria not only to meet the requirements of the EU for improvement of navigation but to enhance the capacity of the port infrastructure, by offering competitive transport services, attract more transit cargoes and create conditions to accelerate the development of the intermodal terminals along the river. RIS allows information exchange about fairway parameters between Executive agency Maritime administration and Executive agency Exploration and Maintenance of the Danube. They are able to send standardized information in electronic format that can be read by any state, engaged in transportation services on the Danube. (Source:
