Bulgarian river ports are specialized mainly in the handling of bulk and general cargos and that is why most of the cargos transshipped are bulk cargos.They are mainly grain, ores, coke, coal and fertilizers. The share of general cargos of the total volume handled is under 30%. Ro-Ro cargos are handled only at the port of Svishtov and the greatest share in handling of containers posses port of Rousse-East. The observed general trend in the last 5 years in the total volume of cargos handled at Bulgarian river ports and transported by Bulgarian IWT operators is of decrease.

The direction of transported cargos is from and to other Danube riparian countries, such as Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Romania, Ukraine and Serbia. Most of the bulk cargos are exported to the West European countries and the imported cargos are mainly from Russia, Serbia and Ukraine.